Saturday, November 8, 2014

Brasil, here I come!

The next time I email I will be in BRASIL! Eu sei, it's crazy. I really
have loved being at the MTC so much and I'm so glad I had the opportunity
to come to the Provo MTC. There truly was a reason that I was sent to this
MTC. I had the most amazing teachers, the best companion, the coolest
district, the awesomest zone, and pretty much the most incredible
experience ever here. I'm so thankful for my lovely Aunt Wendy who
diligently sent me packages that made all the elders in my district jealous
(it's alright I shared) and was always one step ahead of me whenever I was, I really could use some cookies. Also, I'm thankful for
Uncle Peter, Ariana, and Myla for writing me beautiful letters that I love
to reread over and over. I'm so grateful for all the people who sent me
letters of encouragement and love. Thank you thank you OBRIGADA MUITO. Eu
amo voces!

I'm so excited to have the blessing of serving the people of Maceio,
Brasil. I love that I have the opportunity to share with them a message of
love and joy. It truly is a message of joy. I attest to that with all my
heart. I know Jesus Christ lives and that he is our Savior. I can't wait to
help my fellow brothers and sisters in Brasil come to know their Savior as
their friend and God as their Heavenly Father.

It was really sad today to say adeus to our professores. Singing God Be
With You Till We Meet Again this morning was triste. They taught us SO much
in the space of a few weeks! Really, everything we know about Portuguese is
all thanks to them. I'm so grateful that I was blessed with having amazing
teachers that were willing to teach us all they know. In reality, our
teachers are only a few years older than us but their knowledge about
Portuguese and the gospel is truly incredible. I'm also so grateful for all
that the Spirit has taught me about the gospel and how to teach people. My
personal study time is something I look forward to every day. Sister Lopez
has also taught me so much. What an example she is to me. Wow. I have been
so blessed. Just looking back now I can see how much I've grown. And it's
only been six weeks! What will come in the next 17 months!?

Thank you to everyone who is including me in their prayers. I feel blessed
beyond all else. Thank you so much. Don't forget to pray for the other
88,000+ missionaries out there bringing people to Cristo! I love all of you
so much. There is nothing else in the world I would rather be doing than
what I'm doing now. I'm so so so blessed to have this opportunity to be on
the Lord's time. Some may say that a mission is a sacrifice, but I can
testify to you that it is a blessing beyond compare.

I've had a great time here with visiting dignitaries, trying to speak
Portuguese, not understanding anything that's happening, learning, growing,
laughing my head off at the elders in my district, and so so so much more.
The MTC has been great. However, I'm ready to say goodbye. It's time to get
to WORK.

Jesus Cristo vive. He is our Savior. God, our Heavenly Father, loves us and
wants us to return to his presence someday. To quote Aunt Wendy, "You've
had eternity to prepare for this mission and you have eternity to reflect
on it. But you only have 18 months to live it....Hit the ground running and
don't ever stop". There is no greater work on this earth than bringing
souls to Cristo. *Shall we not go on in so great a cause? *

Sister Helm

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